Security - Daily Malware Scanning - deeper than any of the big brands (eyes looking over at the brand that starts with S and ends with curi)
Security - WordPress Hardening - (keep your mind out of the gutter - we are only talking about WordPress sites here...jeez) we keep your site safe from hackers by ensuring it’s wearing the proper protection
Security 0 WAF Firewall - yeah we are not even really sure what that means but we have it installed (ok, our support team just explained it and need it as it protects you from malicious bots).
Performance - 90+ GTMetrix scores & - 90+ Google PageSpeed Insights scores - don’t believe us? Neither did our clients until we proved it to them (just ask us for our case studies)
Performance - Increase conversion rates by 18-30% and total users by 20-40% (pretty impressive, eh? You like that? Just “swipe right” and make a match - the first date is on me)
Performance - Google C2 High Compute Instances with Premium Tier Bandwidth (Kinda like a flux capacitor for WordPress sites - servers...where we are going we don’t need servers, we need clouds)
Performance - Nginx + FCGI + PHP 7.4 + MariaDB with LXD - Hyper Optimized Stack (connected together with wood donated by Groot)
Performance - High-performance CDN (It’s like Skynet, but a ‘good’ Skynet or that’s what we think)
Managed WordPress Hosting - We handle all of your sites edits (changing content, switching out images, etc). You just send in a ticket and we take care of it. No longer do you need a team that will handle these types of tasks for you. Saving you time and money!
Managed WordPress Hosting - One solution that manages all of your WordPress needs in one spot. From updating plugins to optimization and any edits you need to your website. Its all handled by 1 team in 1 place.
Site Management - Auto backup to staging and rollback for all those awkward moments
Site Management - Auto-update of core, theme, plugins - why? To make your life easier and keep your website in tip-top condition (at least your website doesn’t need to lose 5 pounds)
Site Management - Free staging environment - so you can ‘experiment’ without your site knowing you are in the market for some ‘change’